Below, you will find the memo that each child moving on to the county fair received. We are looking forward to a great day!
The Nicholas County Literature Fair will be held October 16, 2017 at New Life Christian
Academy (NLCA) gymnasium.
1. Set up will be the day prior to the County Fair, October 15 from 2:00 until 4:00pm
2. Projects may be picked up on October 16, between the hours of 3:30pm and 5:30pm.
Early arrival is discouraged since it may interfere with judging/ribbon placement.
3. If students are unable to pick up their project, or to have it picked up, they need to contact
Tony or Sarah (304-872-3611 ext. 228 or 247) to make other arrangements. Generally,
projects are not picked up will be left at New Life Christian Academy. Any projects
remaining on Friday, October 20 will be put into the dumpster.
4. Bus transportation will be provided on the day of the fair. In previous years, student have
returned to school prior to noon. The bus schedule will be sent after schools have
submitted their winners’ names on October 10.
5. Students and teachers will be housed in NLCA’s old gym until they are called for
judging. Students may wish to bring something small to entertain themselves with while