Life Christian Academy will open for In-person Learning
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
After hearing the Governor's recommendation, the Nicholas County Board of Education Plan, and speaking with the WV Department of Education, the following plan has been developed by New Life Christian Academy.
Pre-K – 8th grade will return on-campus
regardless the color of Nicholas County on the WVDHHR County Alert Map
- Grades 9 - 12 (high school) will return to school providing Nicholas
county is NOT red on the WVDHHR County Alert Map posted on Saturday. If the
county should turn red during the middle of the week, high school students have
the option to remain home the following day. If the county is red on Saturday, students have
the option to remain home until the color changes, or come to school on a
regular schedule.
§ If you
choose to remain home during “red” days, you must notify the office
immediately, and your decision will remain in effect during the duration of the
nine weeks, otherwise, you can come to school on the regular schedule. You
cannot choose this on a day-to-day basis. The option to remain remote during
“red” days is not an option for normal absences.
§ If
high school students choose to remain home/on remote learning while red on the
map, they are required to Zoom with their teachers during their regularly
scheduled class times, five days a week. (Follow the in-person school
schedule every day. This is different than the Zoom times we used when the
entire school was remote.) Absences are recorded whether students are in-person
or on remote-learning models.
- We will provide phone calls to let you know of
schedule changes
- Face coverings will be worn at all times for
ages 9 and above
- We will follow the direction of the Nicholas County BOE and the local health department, and require face coverings for all grades until further notice. (2-15-20)
- Social distancing will remain in place
- All previous Covid-19 guidelines will remain in