Thursday, August 22, 2013

NLCA Welcomes Ms. Vicki Caldwell

New Life Christian Academy would like to welcome Ms. Vicki Caldwell to our teaching staff.  Ms. Caldwell will be teaching Art Class on Tuesday, Wednesday, and half a day on Thursday. 
Each class, grades Pre-K through 11 will have an art class at least one time per week.  Secondary students will have two classes per week.  The art room has returned to the new gym loft, and the students have already begun their first week of classes! 

Among many other things, the students will be learning art history, many art forms, and even set design (for our annual Christmas Program).  We are blessed to have Ms. Caldwell join our team of dedicated educators.  She has been teaching art since 1985, and she has devoted much of her life to Christian Education.  We look forward to showcasing the student's artwork during our Grandparent's Day Celebration, as well as on the bulletin board in the main hallway.  In the next few weeks, be sure to stop by and see what they are learning.