Friday, January 31, 2020

Homecoming 2020

February 3rd-7th

This year’s theme is “We Got Game”.
Our verse is “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course; I have kept the faith:” (2 Timothy 4:7)
Theme Days:
Monday-Dress Up/Dress Down (Dress as fancy are you please or wear your favorite appropriate lounge wear! 😊)
Tuesday-Country Bumpkin Day (Go country crazy!)
Wednesday-Decade Day (Roaring 20s, Disco 70s, Neon 80s…you choose!)
Thursday-Crazy Hair Day (Go crazy with your color and style!)
 Friday-School Spirit Day (It’s the perfect day to wear your Homecoming shirt! 😊)

Each class will decorate a poster that will be hung in the gym during Homecoming Week. Secondary students will decorate a door-size poster.
Each class will perform in a lip-sync battle during the pep rally on Friday. Classes will also need to recite the Bible verse.
The Penny War winning class will receive a class party! We will also award points to the top three winners of the contest overall.
Points will be awarded to the top three places for the following:
Classroom participation in the dress up theme days
Lip-sync battle
Poster contest
 Penny War winners
Elementary and Secondary do NOT compete against each other.

The Homecoming games and Queen and King coronation will be on Friday, February 7th. The Middle School Boys play at 4:30, the Varsity Girls play at 5:30, and the Varsity Boys play at 7:00. Our cheerleaders and twirlers will also be performing that evening. Come show your support for the Lions!