Friday, September 18, 2020

Being Prepared

The color coded map for West Virginia Schools is updated every Saturday at 5:00 PM.  In the event Nicholas County should move to orange or red, our school must also move to remote learning, until we are able to come back for in-person instruction.  In an effort to be prepared, we will be sending home the student's materials with them each Friday.  Food Lion made a donation to us of reusable shopping bags, and we will send one home with your child filled with their materials.  Please keep all of their books together and in this bag.  You will simply return the bag on Monday mornings when your child comes to school.

It is our prayer that we remain in good standing and can continue five day, in-person instruction.  If this is the case, you will not have to do anything with the material that is sent home on Friday evenings.  Keep it in the bag, and return it on Monday morning.  If not, your teacher will be in touch with you to schedule Zoom instruction and assign Schoology or Seesaw work.  

We will follow this protocol each Friday until further notice.  Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe.  

Click the safety first logo to be taken to the WVDE Color Coded Map.